Archive for December, 2012

Today we are going to move forward with the next position of the Pentatonic Minor scale. We will be learning how to play in position 2. We will learn this position in the key of Am. To play position two of the Am Pentatonic Scale we will start with our middle finger the 8th fret this will be a C note. If you look at the diagram below you can see the fingering for position 2 is 2-4, 1-4, 1-4, 1-3, 2-4, 2-4. The notes played will be C, D, E, G, A, C, D, E, G, A, C, D. As you listen to the scale you will hear the continuation of the blues sound. You  will hear the same notes as the first position of the scale. You may be wondering if I’m playing the same notes then why do I need to learn a different position. We are learning this different position to add to your bag of tricks when it comes to soloing. As we add postions we also add  the ability to choose where you want to be on the fretboard. You will hear that though we are playing the same notes, they sound different in this position. As we learn more positions you will find the ability to chain the positions together to move around the guitars neck at will. The importance of adding position two of the Pentatonic Minor scale  is that it will give you more freedom to play.  Look at the diagram below, and commit to learning the fingering, we will be adding some licks from this position soon, so check back often. Here is the diagram. The Red dots signify the Root note of the scale in this case A. Have fun!!


Position 2 Pentatonic Minor

Am Position 2


One of the things I wish I would have had when I started playing lead guitar was a backing band, or backing tracks. I had to get the multi-track tape recorder out, (Yeah I know that dates me 🙂 ) and record a rhythym track, and then I could play along. Hopefully these backing tracks will make your life a little easier, and also a little more fun. As the title states these tracks are royalty free, and fair game to use in your own recordings. I would ask that you show Blue Monday Guitar a little love by adding a link, and or mention on the description of your song. Here’s the track.


[ca_audio url=” Backing Tracks/Am Blues 100 BPM.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”]


Today I will share some of my favorite Blues Guitar licks. All of today’s licks will come from the Minor Pentatonic Scale that we have been studying. You will hear these in many blues songs, and many rock and country songs for that matter. The purpose of learning licks is not to copy another guitarist, but to take them and make them your own. Yes you are still playing the same notes that many other guitarists have played, in the same sequential manner that they have played them, but you can make them your own. The way you bend the notes, and the way you pick them you can make the same lick you have heard a hundred times sound new and fresh. The tabs are below, have fun and make them your own.


Am lick 1


Am Lick 1


Am lick 2Am Lick 2Am lick 3

Am Lick 3


Am lick 4

Am Lick 4